Y1,S4: Chambers

Last time: It sucked.  The babies/toddlers, screamed a lot keeping the older twins awake and on the verge of passing out the whole season.

Now that we have teens in town, things get out of hand fast around here now.

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We start off by seeing Joe and Rebecca being romantic.  As long as it doesn’t lead to woohoo, we should be okay.

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Charles and Caleb become teens.  Charles is our first gay sim in town.

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Peter and Priscilla become cute little kids.

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They learn the art of fishing first thing.

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House makeover time.

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Caleb gets eyebrows that match his hair and then he sneaks in a new haircut.

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Rebecca has earned a reprieve from the garden for now.  She will leave that to Priscilla.

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She weeds one last plant.

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Then Priscilla is sent off to start her gardening journey.

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Charles brings home Jordan Ayodele from school and Peter brings home Gabrielle Cabello.  They all have a great afternoon of fishing.

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Of course, fishing and gardening don’t fill up all the free time.  The kids have to learn to study about their history and explain the plans for their futures.

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Charles wanted to invite over Jordan, so he chose to invite over their whole family.

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Charles was Jordan’s first kiss (and vice versa).  Thanks, ACR.

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Caleb:  I want love too!

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Everyone was pretty shocked.  There had not been a single hint of attraction between the two teens up until now.

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Caleb:  Hot damn, she’s hot.
And married…
Caleb:  Who cares about that?

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Sigh.  ACR is going crazy.   You’d think it was spring around here.

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Priscilla continues to shine in the garden.

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Caleb is the first teen in town to get lucky.

I broke my no checking for pregnancy rule.  Luckily Synne is pregnant with her husbands baby.  No accidents here.

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Joe:  Did you know your brother was messing around with a married woman?
Charles:  Nope.

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Dammit.  She has a fear of having a baby.

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Charles makes a booty call and lo and behold, Jordan arrives.

And that takes care of this round..and not a moment too soon.


I knew I was avoiding get togethers for a reason.  ACR is providing some comic relief.  It’s a good thing Synne is a Romance sim and her husband didn’t see shit.  Charles and Jordan might be our first ever couple.  It will be interesting to see what happens next season.

Summer Four Net Worth Cash on Hand Ranking
Ayodele $32,835 $10,104 3
Stenberg $30,271 $9,479 4
Cabello $40,145 $11,289 1
Chambers $33,164 $14,864 2

We can thank all that fishing and Priscilla’s garden for keeping them in cash.  They have the most on-hand, but second place is really a close call between them and the other two families.

I’m about ready for all the families to discover fire.  I’m so tired of dark lots.

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