Y2, S2: Ayodele

Currently in house:  Flavio (E), Jacob (A, heir), twins Amanda and Carolyn (*T for 1 more day), Brenda (T), William (C), and Barney (*t).

*T: Teen.  t: toddler.

We are back almost immediately after finishing the last household.  Apologies in advance for some of the pics.  I forgot some of the reshade tests I was doing was going to be adversely affected when I ran it through photoshop.  Some of these pics are really bad.

Jacob:  Priscilla, I am sitting right here!

Brenda:  So, are you ready to bring forth generation 3?
Jacob:  I don’t even have a single friend, much less a baby mama.

Brenda then calls over a couple of households to help her brother out.  Of course, someone is sick.  Brenda is a family sim and the only one to be able to make soup.

Gabrielle is always the sick one.  Gatherings are now banned until everyone is better.

Jacob, stay away from the infected one.

This is how Amanda got sick.

Gabrielle does make her way to some nasty burnt soup.

WTF?!  Flavio, that’s a married Lunark!

Thank she’s too old to get knocked up.

Carolyn and Amanda age up to Adult.

Amanda immediately goes in to aspiration failure.  I won’t document this much as she does this 30 times a day.

Umm.  Okay.  Carolyn and Anthony Stenberg are now a thing.

She then asks him on a date, but it went HORRIBLE.  I love how she blames poor Anthony.

She starts a fire which did not go over well.

Sigh.  He is only hungry because he can’t eat while the house BURNS down.

The finally got it out.  Everyone lived and only lost a counter.

William:  What is wrong with you?

This does get old.

Anthony is back.

Carolyn, we now know, is pregnant.  She makes lunch.

Brenda’s boyfriend walks by and she nabs him for some kissing.

They still manage to get their main goals done.

While the teens are making out, Carolyn and Anthony (who got engaged during the last date) are on another date.

I was watching Brenda and Chris, so I have no clue what even happened here.  I left them slow dancing.

Screw you, Anthony.  I don’t even like you anymore.

Jacob:  How dare you treat my sister that way!  What is wrong with you?

Anthony:  I’ll show you what is wrong with me.  It’s your stupid family.  I hope you enjoy your afterlife sitting next to your pathetic little mommy.


Brenday:  Well, shit.

Carolyn:  I hope it’s not against the rules that you moved back in.
Jordan:  I probably won’t be staying.  I’m just here in case this debacle kills dad.  Women must have a man around to take care of them, even annoying sister like you.
Carolyn:  Oh, fuck off.  We don’t need men for anything except breeding.

Jordan:  Hey, Charles.
Charles:  What’s going on?  I thought you were out in the world waiting for me?
Jordan:  Unforeseen death.  I will be ready to move in with you when you are.

I let them have a bit of fun.

William aged up to teen and what is up with all the gay sims?  Oh well.  I’m sure we will find him someone later on.

Ahem.  I may or may not have been trying to get Jordan knocked up and it backfired.

Carolyn goes into labor.  This is seriously the closest she ever gets to the baby.

Barney became a child at some point and we forgot to teach him to study.  I’m pretty sure that’s Amanda right there.

Jordan:  Well, since we’re both knocked up.

Jacob comes out to lament his brother taking over his spot in the household.  He almost killed Brenda.

William and Barney harvest the strawberries.

Amanda helps out when she can.

Barney takes over fertilizing since he was awake.

Ryker has his birthday.

William had a gold aspiration and becomes the only person in the house that could get Ryker his smart milk.

He is so adorable.  Also note, Flavio is teaching him to potty.

..and taught him to talk.

Flavio:  Are you going to help with YOUR kid at all?
Carolyn:  Nah, you got it dad.

So, Flavio even teaches him to walk.

Carolyn:  I am hugging you to stop you from stealing the paper, Frieda.  Not because I like you or anything.

Go, Barney!

Flavio did force Carolyn to teach Ryker his nursery rhyme.

Jordan:  Frieda is so hot!
I thought you were gay?
Jordan:  I don’t believe in labels.

Yay, William.

Jordan was in the middle of a shower when he went into labor.

We have a girl!  Her name is Whisper.

Keep going, Kid.

Anthony just happened to stop by.  I had Ryker go ask him for attention.  After hearing about how Carolyn is not taking care of him, he wonders if he should take custody of the boy.

Amanda comes out of nowhere with ACR and her first kiss with Anthony.  I had her ask him on a date and then LMAO at him wanting to make friends with Carolyn.  They did have a dream date.  They did woohoo, but no baby on the way.

Barney ages up to teen and from this view, he looks adorable!

For all the babies and conflict in the house, there was also a lot of free time for fishing.  They made a killing in that department.

Real time tracker is now live.  It will not only track the money.  It will also track the families and I will also have notes and reminders to myself about what is going on.  It will have spoilers since it is updated through Google sheets as I play.  So just beware that you might see something about the families that has not been published yet.

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